Saturday, 1 December 2012

The Umbrella House -- by Kengo Kuma

As one umbrella is a cheap, portable shelter for a single person, many can become shelter for a group of people, in Kengo Kuma's Casa Umbrella, made of ordinary umbrellas modified with extra flaps and zippers sewn on the edges. The umbrellas are combined to form a Buckminster Fuller dome, with any number of entrances and windows. Kuma's aim, he said in a recent interview, is to "recover the tradition of japanese buildings" and to reinterpret it for the 21st century: see more of his designs in Spacehacking.

This is just one of the 99 things you can do in the city, a 2008 exhibit at the Canadian Centre for Architecture. Other things include fruit-harvesting, trash architecture, guerilla gardening, freegan dumpster-diving, foam & velour suits to challenge urban brutalism, and a Rebel Clown Army.

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