Monday 7 May 2007

Books on ecology, peace and social justice

mentioned in discussions by members of Quaker Institute for the Future.

W. Neil Adger et al., eds. Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change (MIT 2006) – governance.
Alison Bailie et al., Tellus Institute and MRG Group, The Bottom Line on Kyoto : economic benefits of Canadian action (Suzuki Foundation and World Wildlife Fund, 2002) online
Maud Barlow and Tony Clarke, Global Showdown : how the new activists are fighting corporate rule (Toronto, Stoddart, 2001)
Peter Barnes, Who Owns the Sky? Our Common Assets and the Future of Capitalism (2001) on carbon trading
Vikram Bhatt, Making the Edible Landscape: A Study of Urban Agriculture in Montreal (2007)
Kenneth Boulding, Earth as a Spaceship (1995)
Doug Brown, Insatiable is Not Sustainable (c2005)
Lester R. Brown, Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006.
Peter G. Brown, Restoring the Public Trust 1994
-- The Commonwealth of Life: a treatise on stewardship ((Montreal, Black Rose, 2001, to be reprinted)
---, Restoring the Public Trust (Boston, Beacon, 1991)
Robert Bruegmann, Sprawl: a compact history (University of Chicago Press , 2005)
Canadian Friend 2005 issue no. 5 on ecology, online
Ernest Callenbach, Ecotopia 1975
Pat Capponi, Dispatches from the poverty line (Toronto, Penguin, 1997)
---, The war at home : an intimate portrait of Canada's poor (Toronto, Penguin, 1999)
John B. Cobb, Jr., “Moral Dilemmas in Economics and Ecology” 1991. online
Daniel Cohen, Globalisation and Its Enemies 2006
Arthur Lyon Dahl [Baha’i], “The Ecology of Economics” 1991, online at
Herman E. Daly, Steady State Economics (1977 )
Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed 2005
John Douthwaite [Irish eco-economist] FEASTA Review online
Ed Dreby, Seeds of Violence, Seeds of Hope study guide (Quaker Earthcare Witness, 2007)
Andres R. Edwards, The sustainability revolution: portrait of a paradigm shift (Gabriola Island BC, New Society, 2005)
Barbara Ehrenreich, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (2001) – working poor, trying to live on minimum wages
Kerry Emanuel [MIT meteorologist] “Phaeton’s Reins: The human hand in climate change” Boston Review 2007 online
Miall Ferguson, Colossus 2004
James W. Fowler [theologian], Stages of Faith (1981)
Ursula Franklin, Pacifism as a Map (Toronto, Between the Lines, 2006)
Myron Frankman, World Democratic Federalism (London, Macmillan, 2004)
Susan George, The Debt Boomerang: How Third World Debt Harms Us All (London, Pluto Press/TNI, 1992)
Donna Haraway [biologist], The Haraway Reader (London, Routledge, 2004)
Paul Hawken, The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability (2006)
-- Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming 2007
Richard Heinberg, The Party's Over 2003
Keith Helmuth, Arrowhead to Hand Axe: In Search of Ecological Guidance (Quaker Earthcare Witness, 2004)
Steven Hiatt (ed.) A Game as Old as Empire: the secret world of econhomic hit men and the web of global corruption ((San Francisco Berrett-Koehler, 2007)
John Hick, The Fifth Dimension: An Exploration of the Spiritual Realm 2004
Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961)
KAIROS Canada, policy papers and Global Economic Justice Report online
David Korten, The Post-Corporate World 1999
James Kunstler, The Geography of Nowhere (1991) surburbia, the auto and urban sprawl
-- The Long Emergency: surviving the converging catastrophes of the twenty-first century (NY, Atlantic Monthly, 2005)
-- Home From Nowhere (2006)
-- The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream (documentary film 2004)
Nancy Langston, Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares 1995
Jeremy Leggett, The Empty Tank: oil: gas, hot air, and the coming global financial catastrophe 2005.
Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac (1949) – ecology, land ethic
William McDonough and Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle : remaking the way we make things (NY, North Point, 2002)
Bill McKibben, Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future (2006)
Sebastian Mallaby, The World's Banker 2004
Peter Montague, “The Precautionary Principle Controversy and Impact -- Living Within Limits”, Earth Talk Today online
George Monbiot, The Age of Consent 2003
-- Heat: How to stop the planet from burning (Toronto: Doubleday, 2006)
Richard Musgrave, The Theory of Public Finance (1959)
R. T. Naylor, Wages of Crime: black markets, illegal finance and the underworld economy (rev. ed. Montreal, McGill-Queens, 2004)
---, Hot Money and the Politics of Debt (3rd ed., Montreal, McGill-Queens, 2004))
Mike Nickerson, Life, Money and Illusion: living on earth as if we want to stay (Lanark ON, 7th Generation, 2006)
---, Seven Generations: guideposts for a sustainable future (Hull, Voyageur, 1993)
Avner Offer [Oxford economist], The Challenge of Affluence: Self-control and Well-being in the United States and Britain since 1950 (Oxford University Press, 2006).
David W. Orr, Earth in Mind: On Education, Environment and the Human Prospect (1994)
Neil Philip, In a sacred manner I live: Native American wisdom (New York, Clarion, 1997)
Frank Partnoy, Infectious Greed 2003
John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman 2004
Jonathan Porritt, Capitalism: As if the World Matters (2005)
Quaker Earthcare Witness, Earthcare for Friends
---, Befriending Creation online at as well as books, pamphlets, study guides and videos.
Paul Roberts, The End of Oil (2004)
Nick Robins, The Corporation that Changed the World 2006
Debora Bird Rose, Dingo Makes Us Human; Life and land in an Australian Aboriginal Culture (Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press, 1992, pb 2000) - winner of the 1992/3 Stanner Prize.
---, Nourishing Terrains: Australian Aboriginal Views of Landscape and Wilderness (Commonwealth of Australia 1996)
---, Reports from a Wild Country: Ethics for Decolonisation UNSW Press 2004.
Jeffrey Sachs, The End of Poverty (2005)
EF Schumacher, Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered (1973, repr.1998)
Science and Environmental Health Network, The Networker online
Peter Staudenmaier, “Economics in a Social-Ecological Society,” 2003, Institute for Social Ecology, online
Albert Schweitzer, The Philosophy of Civilization (1950)
Sojourners, Who is My Neighbour: economics as if values matter (ca 2006) online
-- Holy Ground: Faith and the Environment (ca. 2006)
-- Christian Feminism Past and Present online
Joseph Stiglitz, Globalisation and Its Discontents 2002
-- The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World's Most Prosperous Decade 2002
David Suzuki & Holly Dressel, Good News for a Change: How Everyday People are Helping the Planet 2002
Brian Swimme, The Universe Story (San Francisco, Harper, 1992)
-- The Powers of the Universe (DVD ca 2004)
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, L’Avenir de l’Homme / The future of Man (1964)
Jerry Tetalman and Byron Belitsos, One World Democracy: a progressive vision for enforceable global law (San Rafael CA, Origin, 2007)
Richard Tomkins [Financial Times Consumerism Editor] “Materialism damages well-being”, New York Times 27 Nov 2003. online at
Toronto Food Policy Council online discussion papers
Polly Toynbee, Hard Work: Life in Low-pay Britain (2003)
UN Environmental Program, Our Common Future: The report of the Brundtland Commission (1987)
E.O. Wilson [Harvard scientist], The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth (2005)
-- The Creation: A Meeting of Science and Religion (2006)
Mick Womersley, Sustainability in a Box (2006) online
Worldwatch Institute, State of the World 2007: Our Urban Future
Mohammed Yunnus, Banker to the Poor 2005 - Nobel prizewinner, founder of Grameen Bank.

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