Sun-born from silence to delight
in being
and song, in sight and flight,
some dream or seem to search
or lurch on paths from church
to church, amid stone temples
for that silent spirit, still...
Son-born of the spirit of
and love and all that's right
conquering night and death
through surrender to the dove
of peace beyond understanding
and faith that moves mountains
of fear and doubt, and none can live
Unborn or torn from wombs of war and
violence that knows no peace, or love, or
truth, or silence...
restlessly always becoming, never being
still, never quite arriving, ever being born
and dying, trying all the ways except the
one that is so near, so near... (No, closer!)
It is here.
Closer than breath and blood, always
present since before the rainbow and
The Flood,
it is the flawless perfect jewel,
"Om mani padmi hum!"
the impossibility of abundance
every place we stand, the holy
ground of being
more radiant than any
day or night-sky star.
"the impossibility of abundance": more thoughts on this?
Peter, I asked the author to answer.
Shalom is usually translated as "peace." But the more profound meaning of it is more like "inwardly spiritual and fulfilled integrity, purity, wholeness and abundant prosperity."
Shanti is usually translated as "peace." But it means something more than a linguistic affectation or verbal gesture from an ancient culture. It is "the peace that passeth understanding" mentioned in Psalms. The peace that "no trial can dimnish." It's not a political state of a cessation of armed conflict or force, it is not a material/physical phenomenon, it is a boundless spiritual abundance that is eternally present and unconditional.
Since and even long before Malthus predicted that there was insufficient resources in the world to provide for everyone, people like Gandhi have pointed out that, "there is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not enough in the word for everyone's greed."
What is Peter actually saying? Is he saying that if we do not control and regulate the demonic waste and destruction and militarism and rapacious profiteering that millions, perhaps billions will live, suffer and die in searing needless deprivation? If so, I agree. If he's saying there is no God and if there is She is not available and we are all screwed, I beg to differ.
She/He will always be divinely present, compassionate, serene and miraculously perfect. Abundance is a wonderful word. Boundless is another. In this world and the appearances of conflict and abuse, crime and violence, waste and cruelty abundance, genius, wonder, awe, worship, spiritual transformation and personal experiences of rapture may seem meaningless or impossible. They are ignored and perhaps rejected, but to me they are what real being finally is, while all the human agonies of violence, chaos and torment, fear and anguish, ignorance and hate ...are diverted reactions. They are dualism, defensive energy and denial.
In the material/political/traditional/outward world abundance is impossible. But there is no benefit in worry and fear. In the moral/spiritual/devotional/sacramental/inward "altered state" of being-in-truth we are free of the privation and shroud of unknowing and anguish, the relentless binding blindness of causality and consequences, karma, birth & death. I don't know what Peter is saying. I've not met him or worshipped with him. I have met and am glad of the opportunities to worship with you. They are perfect. Some might say, "abundant." I would not argue...
In loving regards and f/Friendship
P.S.: If you are moved to forward this to Peter it's fine with me. If he wants to believe abundance is impossible, I don't agree, but would defend the abundant right he has to express his view. I might caution him however that he is NOT free to escape the consequences of acting on an opinion that is incorrect!
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