Thursday, 12 May 2011

El oro o la vida -- your gold or our life?

This is the trailer of a new video by the Guatemalan NGO Ceibaguate about the environmental and human impacts of gold mining. With the soaring price of gold, itself due to the greed of financial speculators and the financial meltdown they caused -- (thanks, taxpayers, for the bailout and lack of regulation so they can do it all again) -- there is now a worldwide gold rush. Even low-grade deposits are suddenly valuable. The result: a combination of mountain-top removal, toxic waste, and permanent pollution of water supplies vital to life, affecting some of the world's most vulnerable, especially indigenous peoples.

In this video they raise vital questions. Why do corporate heads and governments turn a blind eye? What is the responsibility of the peoples of the North? What is right living? To what end does such so-called "development" take us all? Community is a greater and more sustainable wealth than gold.
See our previous post on the deliberate laxity of Canada's corporate accountability laws.

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