Sunday, 15 January 2012

Dr Michael K. Dorsey appeals for an ecojustice coalition of faith groups, environmentalists and the Third World

In this video from Durban, Mike Dorsey explains the shortcomings of civil society participation in UNFCCC and the need for a coalition of ecojustice groups before the Rio+20 Earth Summit.
Professor of Environmental Studies at Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH), he has been involved in UN Kyoto negotiations for the last 20 years, in US People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, Sierra Club, Center for Environmental Health, Islands First and Environmental Leadership (as a founder), the Obama campaign, and is winner of numerous awards. [I met him at UNEP-RONA in 2010 and have corresponded since.-DM] See his biography and publications. Here is his latest article with Patrick Bond, "Anatomies of environmental knowledge and resistance..." (AJPE Dec 2010) describing the past history and future of the ecojustice movement.

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