Wednesday 9 June 2010

Building a green economy -- Amory Lovins

Climaxing three decades of research and expert discussions, Amory Lovins of Rocky Mountain Institute offers this vision of a "green capitalist" transition in the USA. (français en bas)
Building on its 2004 synthesis "Winning the Oil Endgame", RMI's "Reinventing Fire" shows technology that exists, that works, and that makes money. It aims to move the US debate from "it’s impossible" and "how much will it cost?" to "here’s how" and "how can we invest in the next 5 years?"

For full details, see the RMI webpage Reinventing Fire links to proposals for green architecture, transport, manufacturing, and energy -- "a peer-reviewed, industry-validated roadmap of practical steps toward an efficient, resilient, cost-effective, all-renewable energy system".
[Thanks to Bill Curry for calling this to our attention. - Ed.]

En français: lire Andrée Mathieu, Développement durable - Pourquoi pas «réinventer le feu» dans Le Devoir 23 Sep 2010 et d'autres thèmes dans Le Devoir - environnement.

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