Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Global Environmental Governance -- by Maria Ivanova and Joe Ageyo

Quest for Symphony is a 16 minute video on the past, present, and future of global environmental governance. Key participants at the 25th UNEP Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum in Nairobi, Kenya in February 2009 make a powerful argument for strengthening UNEP mandate and resources.
See also the half hour Way Ahead video in which 5 previous UNEP directors describe their vision: Maurice Strong, Mostafa Tolba, Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Klaus Töpfer, and Achim Steiner; and the text of Steiner's 18 May 2010 speech to the Rio+20 Prepcom, in which he says the "environmental pillar" of UN work is very weak compared to economic development and social (human rights, MDGs) pillars; "developing countries... depend directly on the environment for their livelihoods and their means of living. These countries with the most at stake in terms of environmental sustainability are the very countries that have become disenfranchised within the system because the costs of participating have become so overwhelming." Therefore GEG must be strengthened. See also the CSD thread in QEWnet Forum.

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